A range of experiences

Tripaga builds solutions from across a variety of industries because we’ve been there, done that

Benefit from Tripaga's range

Tripaga is an engineering technology firm owned and operated by Donny McCoy. It’s built around strong character, creativity, a full range of experiences, and 20 years in the industry.

Creative enough to handle any project

When Donny saw that more and more businesses suffered from overspecialized, single-industry solutions – he got to work crafting solutions pulled from his wide range of experiences and successes.


Major proprietary projects include:

Salt Water Disposal Location

Wireless Internet Service

Railcar Unloading Station

Control Applications


Donny’s certifications include:

Certified Controls Engineer (CCE)

IDEC Systems Integrator

ABB System Integrator

UL 891 Switchboard Manufacturing Certification

UL508A Control Panel Manufacturing Certification


Grounded in the autonomy of sophisticated machinery: